Holistic Life Coaching

Integrating Ayurveda, Huna philosophy, Human Design, Astrology, and Numerology in a highly unique and well-rounded approach.

There is nothing more empowering than embracing your true self.

No masks. No judgement.

Let's dive into the pure, unfiltered connection with your most authentic self, unleashing its power to:

  • Embrace your intuition fiercely, following its voice.

  • Build unshakable confidence by shedding both external pressures and inner doubts.

  • Tap into your deepest essence, expressing yourself fully and unapologetically.

  • Uncover your life's purpose and fearlessly forge your path ahead.

  • Enhance your health and daily well-being through simple yet profound life-changing habits

What makes my coaching unique?

As Certified Spiritual Life Coach & Ayurvedic practitioner and Lomi Lomi bodyworker, I infuse deep wisdom of holistic health and somatic practices into our sessions. You will receive personalized toolkit of:

  • breathing techniques

  • somatic & energetic practices

  • meditations and visualizations

  • auto-massages techniques

  • nutrition guidance

  • self-discovery journal prompts & powerful affirmations 

Coaching Journeys

Consider the following programs as building blocks, offering structure and ideas. We'll blend, adapt and expand them to create a coaching journey that resonates authentically with your needs and desires.

Holistic Wellness Journey

Let's dive deep into what really matters. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to feel lost in the chaos. But true transformation isn't about quick fixes or surface-level solutions; it's about embracing the essence of who you are and nurturing every part of yourself.

  • Holistic One-Stop Shop: We'll attend to and cherish every part of you—physical, mental, energetic, and spiritual. Because you deserve to be treated as a whole.

  • Personalized Practices: Ayurvedic diagnosis and approaches to gently guide you back to your own unique state of health and fulfillment.

  • Transformative Shifts: We'll work together to implement subtle adjustments in your routine, paving the way for lasting fulfillment and inner peace.

Together, we'll pave the way for your gentle transformation, guided by ancient wisdom and modern insight. Say goodbye to the confusion of conflicting advice and hello to a path of clarity, self-discovery and integration. Are you ready to reclaim your balance and cultivate peace within?

Life Purpose & Dharma Discovery Journey

Ever feel like you're just going through the motions, missing that spark that makes life truly fulfilling? Too often we sideline ourselves, letting life pass by without tapping into our full potential. It's time to hit pause and reflect.

This program, based on the Dharma Discovery Method and my own journey of self-discovery will help you:

  • Decide what you want: Discover what you want from life and boldly take actions to reach that.

  • Discover Your Purpose: Uncover your essence and boldly pursue its full expression

  • Unlock Your Potential: Dive into your untapped talents, instincts, and intuition, while tearing down the walls of limiting beliefs that hold you back

  • Embrace Your Authentic Self: Strip away the layers, connect with your inner child, divine feminine and masculine and embrace your highest self.

  • Embody it fully: Love on and connect with your inner child to recognize and unleash the greatness that's already inside you, waiting to be embodied.

No more hiding behind masks, no more shame. It's time to strip away the masks and embrace your highest self. 

Ready to step into your power and embrace your inner badass? This journey will be a ride, but with compassionate guidance, love, and accountability, we'll navigate it together towards your fullest potential. Let's embark on this transformative journey and unlock the greatness within you.

Feminine Empowerment Journey

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in "masculine mode"? Always doing, showing up, acting, and working, with no time to just be? Taking a pause feels like a luxury you can't afford, and when you finally do, your body rebels, leaving you feeling sick and guilty for even trying to rest. But instead of listening, you pop a pill, take another espresso and push through it, over and over again. Sound familiar?

  • Sacred Playground: Let’s dance with the divine feminine and masculine energies to ignite your inner fire.

  • Guided Journey: Explore the essence of your being, celebrating the strength, grace, and wisdom of the feminine, while honoring the courage, action, and protection of the masculine.

  • Embrace Your True Self: Together, we'll create a space of deep connection, authenticity, and transformation, where you can embrace your true self and shine brightly in the world.

  • Welcome All Aspects: Each aspect of you will be welcomed with open arms, as they all become friends and sisters ready to support you through it all.

  • Embrace All Parts: It's just as feminine to wear flower crowns as it is to indulge in late-night kebabs in your sweats. This program isn't just about embracing your feminine side – it's about embracing all parts of yourself.

So, are you ready to meet your inner goddess, embrace your authenticity, and reclaim your power? If so, join me on this wild, empowering journey – because your time to shine is now.

Mindset Transform Journey

Ever lie awake at night, eyes wide open, consumed by a vision that feels so far-fetched it's almost unreal? I've been there so many times myself. But guess what? I'm here to call out those sneaky excuses and limiting beliefs that keep holding you back. Because if you dream it, trust me, it's meant for you! Your dreams aren't just random thoughts – they're road signs pointing you toward your purpose in life.

  • Illuminate Doubts and Fears: We're going to shine a big ol' spotlight on those doubts and fears, giving them a chance to speak their piece.

  • Face Challenges Head-On: But here's the kicker: we're not sidestepping them. Oh no, we're facing them head-on and tearing them apart, piece by piece.

  • Believe and Manifest: What you focus on expands. And if you believe something with all your heart, it becomes your reality.

  • Embrace Authenticity: So let's illuminate those shadows, embrace your wildest desires, and step boldly into your most authentic self.

  • Support Every Step: Whether you want to focus on one area of your life or take on the whole shebang, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to rewrite the rules of the game and turn your dreams into reality? Let's flip the switch, banish the doubts, and unleash your full potential. We’ll dedicate the entire program to one goal or area of your life, to go in-depth and then, if you wish, we can keep going with the cycles as many times as needed. I have chills just thinking about it and can't wait to see where it takes you. I’ll be there celebrating you every step of the way, while also holding you accountable and helping you face parts of your blocks that you may be ashamed and scared of. I got you, trust me. And it’s so damn worth it.

Ready to feel empowered?

Book your free discovery call now, and let's co-create a program that's uniquely yours, tailored to nurture your growth and potential with honesty and authenticity.

Meet Your Coach

Certified Spiritual and Life Purpose Coach by Dharma Coaching Institute & Highest Self Institute under Sahara Rose, dr. Neeta Bhushan and Ajit Nawalkha.

Hi, I’m Karolina - I’ve dedicated over 14 years to guiding individuals like yourself towards realizing their dreams in both personal and professional realms. I truly believe that when each person's uniqueness is empowered, we become unstoppable, both individually and collectively, on personal and professional levels.

With years of worldly experience, I've traveled extensively, from Europe to Mexico, Costa Rica, the USA, and Hawaii. Coaching sessions have naturally unfolded on beaches, rooftops, buses, and boats, as I immerse myself in the transformative power of authentic heart-to-heart connections.

For me, it's all about cultivating an atmosphere of deep love, understanding, and compassion. I'm here to hold space for those tough conversations that empower you to reach your highest potential. Whether it's gently urging you beyond your comfort zone or standing steadfast beside you in moments of uncertainty, I'm dedicated to providing a nurturing environment for your growth. I’ll be holding you accountable, wanting you to win, as much as you do. You can expect magic to happen while we work together, connecting you with your own wisdom and intuition that will act as a trampoline for all your dreams to come true in ways far beyond expectations.


  • If you’re facing personal challenges, professional hurdles, or simply seeking growth, coaching offers a nurturing environment for your journey. It's a sacred space where you can explore both your inner and outer worlds, allowing yourself to learn and evolve with my unwavering support and focused attention on you every step of the way.

    You're welcomed to enter this space just as you are, understanding that you don't require fixing because you're not broken. Instead, you may feel a sense of disconnection from your inner wisdom and limitless potential. Here, I stand ready to guide you back to that place where your uniqueness and magic shine through.

    Whether you arrive with a clear intention or none at all, I serve as a compassionate listener, posing powerful questions to ignite your inner exploration. During moments when the process feels tiresome and the temptation to revert to old patterns arises, I'm here to hold you accountable and gently remind you of the progress you've made. You can count on me to offer both loving support and gentle but firm encouragement whenever needed.

  • Think of our discovery call as our first coffee date—a chance for us to connect and see if we vibe before diving into the coaching journey together. During this free 30-minute online consultation, we'll both have the opportunity to assess our energy compatibility and ensure that coaching with me resonates with your needs and aspirations.

    It's not just about discussing logistics; it's a chance for us to align our intentions, expectations, and structures to make sure we're on the same page from the beginning. There are no silly questions or concerns—you're free to express yourself openly, and I'm here to create a safe, non-judgmental space for you to do so.

    For me, energy is everything—it's the invisible thread that binds us together. My ultimate goal is for us to click right from the start, eliminating any potential energy clashes so we can focus solely on what truly matters: your growth journey.

  • As an Ayurvedic practitioner, I wholeheartedly believe that true balance, health, and fulfillment come from being in harmony with your unique nature, whatever that may look like for you. In our coaching sessions, I naturally integrate small but powerful pieces of wisdom, including breathing techniques, daily rituals, lifestyle adjustments, and dietary choices. These practices are designed to gently guide you in navigating your energy and health on a daily basis, empowering you to cultivate a sense of balance and well-being in your life. Recognizing that you are a spiritual being inhabiting a human body, our approach encompasses all aspects of your being—physical, mental, energetic, and spiritual—working together to support your holistic growth and transformation.

    Additionally, I integrate touches of Human Design, Astrology, and Numerology to provide a comprehensive approach to your growth and well-being.

Feeling the call to transform but unsure where to start?